Source code for zetta_utils.viz.widgets

# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
"""Jupyter widgets. Most widget code is excluded from automated testing."""
import ipywidgets as widgets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact

import zetta_utils as zu

from . import rendering

def entry_loader(
    entries, renderer, choice, grid_size, grid_x, grid_y
):  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pragma: no cover
    entry = entries[choice].squeeze()
    entry = zu.tensor_ops.convert.to_np(entry)

    x_size = entry.shape[-2] // grid_size
    y_size = entry.shape[-1] // grid_size

    x_coords = (x_size * grid_x, x_size * (grid_x + 1))
    y_coords = (y_size * grid_y, y_size * (grid_y + 1))
    entry = entry[..., x_coords[0] : x_coords[1], y_coords[0] : y_coords[1]]
    entry_rendered = renderer(entry)
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0)

[docs]def visualize_list(entries, grid_size=1, grid_x=0, grid_y=0, renderer=None): # pragma: no cover """Interactive visualizer for a list of images. :param entries: A list of images to be visualized. Images will be squeezed before being rendered. :param grid_size: The input image will be broken into a uniform grid, and only one cell of that grid will be shown at a time. ``grid_size`` determines how many pieces the image will be broken into long each dimension. When ``grid_size == 1`` the whole image will be shown, when ``grid_size == 2`` the image will be broken into 4 equally sized rectangles, etc. :param grid_x: Default position on the X axis of the grid. :param grid_y: Default position on the Y axis of the grid. """ if renderer is None: renderer = rendering.Renderer() if isinstance(entries, list): entries = {i: entries[i] for i in range(len(entries))} button_choice = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=entries.keys(), description="Entry:", disabled=False, button_style="", ) grid_size_selector = widgets.IntText( value=grid_size, description="Section Count:", disabled=False ) grid_x_selector = widgets.IntText(value=grid_x, description="X section:", disabled=False) grid_y_selector = widgets.IntText(value=grid_y, description="Y section:", disabled=False) def this_entry_loader(**kwargs): return entry_loader(entries=entries, renderer=renderer, **kwargs) interact( this_entry_loader, choice=button_choice, grid_size=grid_size_selector, grid_x=grid_x_selector, grid_y=grid_y_selector, )