

Mazepa is a lightweight event-driven task queue library developed by Zetta.AI. It provides an efficient solution for distributing users’ workloads to a large number of remote workers, simplifying task management in distributed environments.

Task Execution Model

mazepa’s task execution model revolves around the concepts of Tasks, Flows, and Dependencies. Understanding these key elements is essential for effectively utilizing mazepa.


Tasks represent individual units of work that need to be executed. They encapsulate the necessary information, such as the function to be executed and its associated arguments, along with additional metadata related to scheduling, execution status, and error handling. When a Task is yielded within a Flow, it will initiate execution.


Flows define the overall workflow by specifying the order and dependencies between Tasks. When writing a Flow, users need to follow two simple rules:

  1. Once a Task is yielded, it will start execution, and

  2. When a Dependency is yielded, control flow will return to the user’s Flow only once the Dependency is satisfied.

This allows for precise control over task execution and enables the creation of complex workflows.

For example, consider the following snippet from a Flow:

yield [Task1, Task2]
yield mazepa.Dependency(Task1)
yield Task3

In this case, Task1 and Task2 can be executed in any order, and once Task1 is done, Task3 will be executed. By explicitly defining the dependencies using yield statements, mazepa ensures that tasks are executed in the desired order, while making the Flow easy to write and debug.


Dependencies represent completion events that must occur before continuing the execution of subsequent tasks. By yielding a Dependency within a Flow, control flow will wait until the specified dependency is satisfied before proceeding further. This allows for fine-grained control and synchronization of task execution.


All executions of mazepa workflows are initiated by a call to the mazepa.execute function. The mazepa.execute function expects a target, which can be a single Flow or a collection of Flows. Additionally, it can accept other parameters such as the choice of the queueing system, the frequency of querying task completion status, the frequency of checkpointing execution progress, and so on.

Integration and Event-Driven Workflow

mazepa can be seen as an event-driven wrapper that can be seamlessly integrated with any other task queue system. Dependencies in mazepa specify the completion events that must occur before continuing execution, enabling a flexible and event-driven workflow design. By following the rules of task yielding and utilizing Dependencies effectively, users can leverage mazepa’s event-driven approach to create intricate and efficient workflows.

Currently, mazepa supports local or AWS SQS-based executions. However, integration with other task queue libraries, such as GCP Pub/Sub or RabbitMQ, can be achieved by implementing a class that conforms to the ExecutionQueue protocol, and passing an object of this class to mazepa.execute. mazepa.execute will default to local execution if no execution queue is given.

Task and Flow Creation

This subsection showcases different ways of creating Mazepa tasks and flows.


The following examples use default local execution, where tasks are always executed in the order they are yielded, even without explicit dependencies. This behavior is not guaranteed when using remote execution queues.

The following bare-bones example demonstrates how Tasks and Flows can be manually constructed by the user from callables, highlighting the simplicity of mazepa:

from zetta_utils import mazepa
from zetta_utils.mazepa import Task, Flow

def greet(name):
    print (f"Hi {name}!")

def greet_many():
    yield Task(fn=greet, args=("Albert",))
    yield Task(fn=greet, args=("Isaac",))

flow = Flow(greet_many)
# Hi Albert!
# Hi Isaac!

In this example, Tasks and a Flow are created manually. The greet function represents an individual unit of work, and greet_many is a generator function that yields two Tasks: one for greeting "Albert" and another for greeting "Isaac". The mazepa.execute function is then used to execute the specified Flow, resulting in the printing of the greetings.

While this method of manually creating Tasks and Flows is simple, users are encouraged to avoid creating Tasks and Flows in this way. Instead, users are encouraged to use Python decorators for creating Task/Flow blueprints:

from zetta_utils import mazepa
from zetta_utils.mazepa import taskable_operation, flow_schema

def greet_op(name):
    print (f"Hi {name}!")

def greet_many(names):
    yield [
        for name in names

flow = greet_many(["Albert", "Isaac"])

@taskable_operation is a non-destructive decorator that adds a make_task function call to the callable it wraps. The decorator declares that the given function now constitutes a taskable operation - i.e. it’s an operation that can be called normally, but can also be packaged into a task. Note that because the decorator is non-destructive, the function can be still called normally as if it was never wrapped.

@flow_schema is analogous to @taskable_operation, except that @flow_schema is a destructive decorator, meaning that it overrides the __call__ method of the wrapped function. This design choice was made because callables wrapped by @taskable_operation often need to be used outside of mazepa context, while flow (schema) generators are only used for mazepa.

Using these blueprint decorators provides a cleaner syntax while also allowing users to specify per-operation task metadata, such as tags and retry counts.

Additionally, mazepa provides decorators @taskable_operation_cls and @flow_schema_cls for creating TaskableOperations and FlowSchemas from class objects. This allows users to define operations and flows as classes, further enhancing code organization and modularity.

class GreetOperation:
    def __init__(self, greeting="Hi"):
      self.greeting = greeting

    def __call__(self, name):
      print (f"{self.greeting} {name}!")

class GreedFlowSchema:
    def flow(self, names):
        for name in names:
            yield GreetOperation().make_task(name)

flow_schema = GreedFlowSchema()
flow = flow_schema(["Albert", "Isaac"])

# Hi Albert!
# Hi Isaac!



This section was last updated in July 2023, and it is possible that some of this information is outdated. PRs are alwayws welcome!


Celery is a popular task queue library that provides distributed task execution. However, Celery’s approach to specifying control flow can be more complex and less intuitive compared to Mazepa. Celery requires the use of constructs like groups, chords, and chains, which can make the codebase more convoluted. Additionally, the Celery codebase is spread across multiple projects, making it harder to understand and debug. In contrast, Mazepa uses a pythonic control flow approach based on generators, resulting in concise and easier-to-understand code.


Dramatiq is another task queue library that lacks a pythonic way to specify dependencies between tasks, similar to Celery. While Dramatiq’s implementation is simpler than Celery’s, it still contains more code than Mazepa. Mazepa’s focus on reusing built-in Python constructs, such as generators, contributes to its concise and understandable implementation.


Airflow is a workflow management platform that allows users to construct execution DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) for defining workflows. While Airflow provides a more pythonic control flow specification compared to Celery and Dramatiq, its static DAG construction can still be less intuitive and less debuggable than Mazepa’s approach. Furthermore, Airflow is a heavyweight solution that requires running a dedicated server, adding complexity to the system architecture.


Prefect is a workflow management library that offers a pythonic way to specify dependencies between tasks. However, Prefect has a couple of limitations. Firstly, it lacks the ability to control the execution environment at the task level, as the environment specification is done at the root flow level. This limitation can be problematic for users who need to execute tasks with different requirements in terms of CPU, GPU, or other resources. Secondly, Prefect’s tracking data collection for each sub-flow can lead to significant performance overhead when scheduling a large number of sub-flows.

Seunglab Taskqueue

Mazepa builds on top of Seunglab Taskqueue to provide support for AWS SQS-based execution. By adding pythonic control flow specification and the ability to handle non-JSONifiable task arguments, Mazepa extends the functionality of Seunglab Taskqueue and simplifies implementing complex workflows.